Sunday, February 7, 2010

Montreal Wedding Dresses

See the link below for the YouTube video of my wedding dresses at the Let's Get Married bridal show. I received so many compliments from brides who felt compelled to visit my booth afterward. The feedback was something like this:

* Your dresses are so simple yet elegant at the same time.
* All the other dresses tended to look the same after a while. Yours stood out so much!
* I'm getting married outside and therefore need a dress that will suit the venue. Now I know where to shop!

While I find it hard to write all this down (I have my hubby egging me on), I want to sincerely thank the brides that took the time to come see me. It was a great opportunity for me to meet my "hometown" brides. Your taste and sophistication is unparalleled. I'm looking forward to having you visit the showroom and find your dream dress.

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